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Pinched Nerve Caused by a Work-Related Injury: Get Help From a Workers Comp Doctor

Pinched Nerve Caused by a Work-Related Injury Get Help From a Workers Comp Doctor

A pinched nerve (also known as cervical radiculopathy) in the neck or back is one of the most painful and disruptive injuries a person can experience, primarily when caused by a workplace injury. The discomfort can hinder your day-to-day activities, preventing you from engaging in work and leisure activities that require physical activity. 

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ease your pain and restore your energy levels. This blog post will provide a step-by-step guide to treating a pinched nerve caused by a work injury so you don’t have to suffer any longer. Read on to get started on your path to a full recovery!

Common Causes of Pinched Nerve 

Several factors, including trauma or injury to the neck, degenerative changes in the spine, and tumors or infections can cause cervical radiculopathy. Auto accidents and work-related injuries are also common causes of cervical radiculopathy.

Auto Accidents and Cervical Radiculopathy (Pinched Nerve)

Auto accidents can cause cervical radiculopathy when the impact of the collision causes the head and neck to jerk suddenly, leading to damage or injury to the cervical spine. The force of impact of motor vehicle accidents can cause herniated discs, bone fractures, or nerve damage, resulting in pain, numbness, or weakness in the arm, shoulder, or hand.

Work-Related Injuries and Cervical Radiculopathy

Work-related injuries can also cause cervical radiculopathy, especially in jobs that require repetitive or prolonged neck movements, such as computer work or manual labor. Poor posture, heavy lifting, and using vibrating tools can also contribute to the development of cervical radiculopathy.

Common Symptoms of Pinched Nerve Pain

Common symptoms of a pinched nerve injury include localized pain, tingling, and numbness or burning sensations in the affected area. Pinched nerve injuries can be caused by direct trauma to the nerves or secondary to an underlying condition such as arthritis. A proper diagnosis is essential for determining the cause of a pinched nerve injury, as treatment options vary depending on the source of the pain.

When recognizing signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve injury, it is important to note that each case is unique and individualized treatment plans should be developed based on symptom severity and medical history. Patients may often experience subtle changes in their abilities over time before suffering full-blown pain. In addition, nerve pain often presents as a dull ache emanating from poor posture or physical exertion instead of sudden onset.

By properly identifying potential warning signs regarding pinched nerve injuries, patients can proactively seek medical attention and develop successful treatment plans with their healthcare providers. Doing so allows for earlier detection of the condition, which increases the likelihood of successful management and resolution of the issue before more severe cases develop. With this knowledge, one can recognize the signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve injury and get ahead of its progression by acting quickly at the first sign of discomfort.

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Pinched Nerve Injury

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve injury is critical to begin treatment as soon as possible. Signs and symptoms of a pinched nerve injury vary from person to person but often include pain, numbness, tingling, or burning sensations, depending on which nerves are affected. Nerve-damaging work injuries may also cause general weakness and/or reduced range of motion in the affected area, primarily throughout the arms, hands, legs, and/or feet.

Some debate whether it is possible to recognize this injury’s signs and symptoms before experiencing noticeable pain. Research suggests that these events may happen in isolation at times, but insufficient evidence still supports one side over the other. Generally speaking; however, someone with a pinched nerve will typically exhibit both signs and symptoms fairly consistently.

Whether or not you can recognize signs or symptoms before physical symptoms appear, early diagnosis is key. Noticing a decreased range of motion or burning sensations can put you one step ahead in your recovery process compared to waiting until physical pain presents itself.

Recognizing these signs and symptoms is essential to treating a pinched nerve injury as quickly as possible. The quicker an individual can identify their condition, the sooner they can take steps towards getting back on their feet—literally and figuratively—by exploring various available treatments. With that in mind, our next section will focus on treating pinched nerve injuries suffered due to workplace injuries.

Treating a Pinched Nerve  

Treating a Pinched Nerve

When treating a pinched nerve from a work injury, it is essential to consider the presence of movements and postures necessary for the job. Changes at the workplace, such as position and equipment adjustments, may provide immediate relief to the symptoms by reducing pressure on the affected nerve, as long as they do not pose a health or safety risk. 

It can alleviate and even prevent further pinched nerve injuries by making work changes. While not all jobs allow quick or easy adjustments to lessen the strain on the body, employers should recognize their duty toward maintaining healthy workspaces and do what is within their power to support workers dealing with these ailments. Understanding how posture changes and practicing specific exercises could combat pinched nerve symptoms in the future can help you create a plan to protect yourself from these injuries and successfully recover if injured.

Posture Changes and Exercises to Practice

Posture changes and exercise can also greatly help treat and prevent pinched nerve injuries from workplace exposures. Making sure that your spine is aligned properly and that your head is not forward of your shoulders will enable the weight of your head to be evenly distributed throughout the spine. This takes some pressure off the discs and neural pathways, reducing the chances of developing a pinched or compressed nerve. 

Regular stretches that loosen tight muscles around the neck and back can also reduce nerve tension. Core exercises such as yoga or Pilates can also be beneficial for strengthening weakened muscles to keep your posture upright.

It is important, however, to pay close attention to any pain that occurs when attempting any new postural change or exercise—even if it feels good initially—as this may signal that something is being further aggravated due to your specific condition. If this happens, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional before continuing. That said, regular practice of posture-conscious activities with careful monitoring can help effectively prevent pinched nerve injury at work.

Once you have found some relief by implementing posture changes and giving yourself time to heal, it is important to consider finding an appropriate medical care provider specializing in treating pinched nerve injuries resulting from work-related activities.

Finding the Right Pinched Nerve Doctor Near You

Finding the right medical care provider is important in healing a pinched nerve caused by a work injury. 

Sometimes, it may be best to start treatment with a physical therapist or chiropractor. Physical therapists can help patients develop stretching and strengthening exercises tailored to the individual’s needs, while chiropractors focus on adjusting joints and muscles to alleviate stress and improve function. While both approaches have proven effective treatments for pinched nerves, other options are worth considering.

For instance, seeing an orthopedic surgeon or neurologist may be necessary, depending on the severity of the injury. It’s important to remember that even if surgery is recommended, it doesn’t necessarily guarantee successful treatment for a pinched nerve. 

Any potential surgery should only be discussed with a trusted doctor once all other treatment methods have been exhausted. Additionally, seeing a mental health professional along with medical professionals is often beneficial for those suffering from long-term chronic pain due to their injury.

Ultimately, finding the proper medical care provider depends on the nature of the injury sustained and its severity. Those who have suffered a pinched nerve due to a work injury should research local doctors and ask questions about any recommended course of treatment before making any decisions. 

As part of this process, asking what alternative therapies may be available as adjunct treatments are important. With all the available options, there’s no reason proper healing shouldn’t be achieved with the right combination of therapy, medication, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments. With proper guidance from an experienced medical professional, patients can regain their mobility and experience improved quality of life within a reasonable amount of time.

No matter which type of medical provider you choose for your pinched nerve injury, it’s important to keep up with your rehabilitation exercises and listen to your body as you heal. 

Taking advantage of alternative therapies such as massage therapy or yoga can help foster long-term recovery as you adjust your lifestyle. 

The effort that you put into managing your pain now will lead to healthier habits that will carry into the future, leading you closer to optimal health down the road.

Alternative Therapies for Healing the Injury

In addition to seeking medical care to assess the damage caused by a pinched nerve and develop a treatment plan, other therapies can be combined with traditional treatments to speed up recovery. Alternative therapies can help reduce symptoms such as pain, numbness, and tingling by targeting problems with the nerves, muscles, and fascia.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique that uses thin needles placed into specific body areas to relieve pain. This is believed to unblock “energy” pathways in your body to speed up healing. It is considered safe when performed by a licensed practitioner. According to some studies, acupuncture has proven effective in relieving neck or back pain caused by a pinched nerve.

Yoga is also an option for treating a pinched nerve injury. Yoga poses put gentle pressure on muscles in areas affected by a pinched nerve injury and can improve circulation, allowing oxygen and other necessary substances to get through to target areas quicker. It can also cause dehydration in certain muscle groups, which can relax tight muscles that may worsen matters.

The use of hot and cold compress techniques also helps increase circulation in affected areas and promote relaxation, reducing pain and swelling around them. Alternating between hot and cold compresses helps relax tight muscles, while cool compresses reduce swelling and inflammation.

Although these alternative therapies may benefit some people suffering from a pinched nerve injury, it’s important to understand that they may not provide the same results for everyone, so please always consult your doctor before trying any new therapy. 

With a proper assessment from a medical professional combined with traditional treatments and appropriate alternative therapies tailored to individual needs, people should soon feel relief from their pinched nerve injury. That said, let us now explore different approaches for healing this injury and concluding remarks about what may be best for each person’s situation.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution when managing a pinched nerve caused by a work-related injury. It is important to first consult with your doctor or physician and get a proper diagnosis. From there, the best treatment plan can be created for you.

The treatments outlined in this article should be seen as “starting points” for further relief. Each patient will respond to certain treatments differently, so the best course of action for any individual may not be the same for everyone else. The goal of treating the injury is to reduce pain and prevent further damage while allowing enough flexibility to return to performing activities of daily living with ease.

In general, effective treatment plans provide a balance between traditional therapies such as physical therapy, medications, exercise, and rest, as well as alternative therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, massage therapy, and yoga. Traditional methods often provide immediate relief, while alternative therapies focus on long-term improvements by addressing more challenging underlying conditions.

Overall, finding the right balance between both types of therapies can help an injured worker achieve optimal healing in the most effective way possible. 

All treatments should ultimately be tailored to each individual patient’s needs and preferences regarding their particular health problem. While medication or drugs may offer immediate symptom relief in some cases, lifestyle modifications and alternative therapies may actually provide better long-term results that lead to improved health outcomes for everyone involved.

Get Help Now – Schedule an Appointment with an Experienced Pinched Nerve Doctor  

Experienced Pinched Nerve Doctor

If you are experiencing symptoms of a pinched nerve, such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the arm, shoulder, or hand, it is essential to seek medical attention. A qualified healthcare provider can help diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Doctors listed in our free online directory are experienced in treating pinched nerve and accept most insurance plans, including workers’ compensation, not-fault, PIP, and more.

Don’t let cervical radiculopathy affect your quality of life. Schedule an appointment with a doctor today to discuss your symptoms and receive the care you need.


What steps should be taken if the pinched nerve is not responding to treatment?

If the pinched nerve is not responding to treatment, seeking medical advice and attention is essential. A physician may suggest a different form of treatment, such as physical therapy, medications, or injections to reduce pain and inflammation. Surgery may also be recommended as an option depending on the nature and severity of the injury. 

Additionally, lifestyle changes that focus on proper rest, posture modifications while sitting or standing, and engaging in activities that don’t exacerbate the injury can also help alleviate symptoms associated with a pinched nerve. For example, engaging in low-impact exercises like swimming or stretching can help restore muscle strength after an injury that affects mobility.

Which methods are safest for treating pinched nerves caused by a work-related injury?

The safest methods of treatment for pinched nerves caused by a work-related injury are those that focus on symptom relief without causing further damage. Some treatments that fit this category are rest, ice and heat therapy, gentle stretching exercises, massage, and chiropractic care. Rest allows the injured area to heal without putting further strain on it. Ice and heat therapy can reduce inflammation and numb pain in the affected area. 

Gentle stretching exercises can help improve the range of motion while avoiding overstretching the muscles around the nerve. Massage can help alleviate extra tension on the nerve by relieving trigger points. Lastly, chiropractic adjustments can gently move misaligned spine bones back into place so they’re not pinching the nerves. When applied correctly, these treatments can help ease pain and promote healing with minimal risk.

How long does it typically take to heal a pinched nerve caused by a work-related injury?

The truth is, there is no definitive answer as to how long it will take for a pinched nerve caused by a work-related injury to heal. This is because everyone’s body reacts differently to any type of injury, and the healing period may vary greatly from person to person.

Generally speaking, the recovery process can take anywhere from a couple of weeks all the way up to several months or even years in some cases. Factors that can influence the length of recovery can include, but aren’t limited to, the severity of your injury, the type of treatment you received (if any), and your own individual response to said treatment.

Therefore, patience is important while waiting for a pinched nerve caused by a work-related injury to heal. Oftentimes, taking proper rest and implementing treatments such as physical therapy or massage therapy will help speed up the process significantly.

Can cervical radiculopathy be caused by work-related activities?

Yes, work-related activities such as repetitive neck movements, poor posture, heavy lifting, and using vibrating tools can contribute to the development of cervical radiculopathy.

Can a car accident cause cervical radiculopathy?

Yes, auto accidents can cause cervical radiculopathy when the impact of the collision causes damage or injury to the cervical spine, resulting in pain, numbness, or weakness in the arm, shoulder, or hand.

What are the common symptoms of cervical radiculopathy?

Common symptoms of cervical radiculopathy include pain that radiates down the arm, shoulder, or hand, numbness or tingling in the affected area, and weakness in the muscles served by the affected nerve.

How is cervical radiculopathy diagnosed?

Diagnosing cervical radiculopathy usually involves a physical exam and imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans. Your doctor may also perform nerve conduction tests to determine the extent of the nerve damage.

What are the treatment options for cervical radiculopathy?

Treatment for cervical radiculopathy depends on the severity of the condition and the location of the affected nerve. Options may include pain medication, physical therapy, or surgery in severe cases where conservative treatments have failed.

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